VPStudio 3 Release Notes

##3.2.3 2022-12-20

  • Fix opening comports >COM9 in VPStudio

  • Fix popup with too many days no data

  • Fix in dropdown menu (showing inch/mm)

  • Fix in datalogger export that spans into the new year

  • Add reference condition support for datalogger export

  • Add custom time interval support for datalogger export

  • Remove win10 requirement, now also tested on windows 11

  • Disable datalogger screen if there is no datalogger installed

  • Fixed firmware updater for devices on modbus addresses other than 9

##3.2.2 2022-06-13

This is a minor feature release of VPStudio 3.2.0.

The VPFlowScope M Firmware updater in this release has significant changes. Most notably is the ability to now update firmware version 2.x.x to 2.x.x too.

Both applications have seen significant “under the hood” changes and as a result of that the visual appearance is slightly changed.

VPStudio 3.2.2 change log (compared to 3.2.1)

  1. Datalogger exporter. Upon export completion the popup now shows which dates do not have any exported data when “Split files per day” is enabled.

  2. mPascal has been removed from the Analog Out Unit selection.

  3. Kelvin has been added to the Analog Out Unit selection.

  4. Transmitter MAC Address added to the Device information.

  5. VPStudio’s Environment Settings have a dropdown for inch and mm selection. Starting with firmware version 2.3.0 you can set which tube diameter unit representation should be shown on the VPFlowScope M Transmitter (inch or mm). This means both VPStudio and the VPFlowScope M Transmitter have their own preferred choice of visualizing a tube diameter. Changing the unit in either has no effect on the other.

  6. Various stability and consistency improvements throughout the application.

VPFlowScope M Firmware updater change log (compared to 3.2.1)

  1. An emergency recovery mode has been added. If a device is in a boot loop then this mode will be activated. You will be guided through this via popups. Be aware that if you do get in this mode that you should contact VPInstruments for assistance and for the proper values to be filled in.

  2. The updater can now also be used to update from firmware version 2.x.x to another 2.x.x.

  3. Each update will now be logged in it’s own logfile.

Known issues

  1. VPStudio: When the tube diameter is changed in inch, you need to click outside the field you were editing to make the save button active.

  2. VPStudio: setting the range for the 4-20mA output uses the reference conditions as set on the device, but does not take this into account when determining the limits of what can be set.

  3. VPStudio: Exporting the hourly values for a whole year does not always work correctly, and under certain circumstances result in an empty file.

  4. FirmwareUpdater: A device needs to be attached to COM 0-9. Ports from 10 and above are seen but the device detection doesn’t work on them.


** Revision 3.2.1 2021-05-28

This is a bug fix release of VPStudio 3.2.0
The bundled VPFlowScope M Firmware updater has seen minor, but important, stability improvements.

VPStudio 3.2.1 change log (compared to 3.2.0)
1. Fixed stability issues in the Analog Out tab.
Warning: Volumetric units cannot be shown on a VPFlowScope M display, but they can be used and set through VPStudio.

VPFlowScope M Firmware updater fixes
1. The updater could, in very rare cases, store a wrong production date which would cause the production date to show as 1970. The fix applies to all backed up settings though only the production date was affected.

** Revision 3.2.0 2021-04-28

This is a feature release of VPStudio 3. The bundled VPFlowScope M Firmware updater has not seen any changes in this release.
The highlight of VPStudio 3.2 is the analog output support! You can now use VPStudio to configure your 4..20mA, pulse or alarm in the “Settings → Analog Out” tab for your VPFlowScope M transmitter.

Known issues for VPStudio 3.2 and VPFlowScope M Firmware Updater

1. The datalogger export will show NaN for the first few seconds after startup. It will also show NaN for the first minute and hour average data.

Notes of importance

1. The datalogger functionality expects the time to be in UTC+0. Once you connect your transmitter to VPStudio 3.2 it will sync the transmitter time to UTC+0. The resulting export will convert the time to your local time. It is discouraged to manually change your date and time on the transmitter display as that will cause the exported CSV to likely have data gaps.
2. When “Splitting per day” is turned on in the datalogger export settings, only one file per day is generated if that day contains data. If there is no data for a given day, no file is generated.
3. The VPFlowScope M Firmware Updater only allows you to update from a 1.x.x firmware to a 2.x.x version. There currently is no path to update from 2.x.x to another 2.x.x! If you already are running a 2.x.x version but not the latest (2.2.0) then it’s advices to keep using your current firmware.
4. Static IP (if that was configured) is not migrated after the firmware update! Use VPStudio 3 to set one after updating your device.
5. Tube diameter is not migrated and resets to 0 after the firmware update! Use VPStudio 3 to set one after updating your device.
6. Only VPFlowScope M (without display: D000, with display: D010 and with display and datalogger: D011) with firmware version 2.x.x can be configured using VPStudio 3.0.

VPStudio 3.2 change log (compared to 3.1.0)

– 4..20mA, pulse and alarm settings can now be set using VPStudio. You can find the different options in the “Settings → Analog Out” tab for your VPFlowScope M transmitter. Be aware that you can only access these settings when you have a cartridge connected!
– The terminology between the datalogger export functionality and the exported CSV is now the same.
– The calibration date in a datalogger export is now the cartridge calibration date if a cartridge is connected. The date will show as 1-1-1970 1:00:00 when no cartridge is connected.
– Minor UI improvements.

** Revision 3.1.0 2021-03-11

This is a feature release of VPStudio 3. The bundled VPFlowScope M Firmware updater only has user interaction improvements.
The highlight of VPStudio 3.1 is datalogger export support! You can now use VPStudio to export your datalogger data into a CSV file for further analysis in, for example, Excel.
For a full overview of the changes, see the change log below.

Known issues for VPStudio 3.1 and VPFlowScope M Firmware Updater

1. The datalogger export will show NaN for the first few seconds after startup. It will also show NaN for the first minute and hour average data.

Notes of importance

1. The datalogger functionality expects the time to be in UTC+0. Once you connect your transmitter to VPStudio 3.1 it will sync the transmitter time to UTC+0. The resulting export will convert the time to your local time. It is discouraged to manually change your date and time on the transmitter display as that will cause the exported CSV to likely have data gaps.
2. When “Splitting per day” is turned on in the datalogger export settings, only one file per day is generated if that day contains data. If there is no data for a given day, no file is generated.
3. The VPFlowScope M Firmware Updater only allows you to update from a 1.x.x firmware to a 2.x.x version. There currently is no path to update from 2.x.x to another 2.x.x! If you already are running a 2.x.x version but not the latest (2.2.0) then it’s advices to keep using your current firmware.
4. Static IP (if that was configured) is not migrated! Use VPStudio 3.0 to set one after updating your device.
5. Only VPFlowScope M (without display: D000, with display: D010 and with display and datalogger: D011) with firmware version 2.x.x can be configured using VPStudio 3.0.

VPStudio 3.1 change log (compared to 3.0.1)

– Datalogger support. You can use VPStudio to configure how you want to download your data and export that to a CSV for further analysis.
– Cartridge diameter can now be set without the cartridge being connected.
– When a transmitter is connected the time will be synchronized to UTC+0. This is done for the datalogger export functionality to be accurate and will happen silently in the background.
– VPStudio 3.1 now starts in full screen.
– Many small UI improvements.

VPFlowScope M Firmware updater fixes

– Firmware flashing progress is made a lot more user friendly.

** Revision 3.0.1 2020-12-08

This is a bugfix release of VPStudio 3.0 MVP including the VPFlowScope M Firmware updater that is bundled with it.

This release focuses on fixing small issues and improving usability. It is advised to update to this version as it fixes edge cases.

Notes of importance for VPStudio 3.0.1 and VPFlowScope M Firmware Updater.

1. Windows 10 and 64 bit is required for both applications!
2. The VPFlowScope M Firmware Updater only allows you to update from a 1.x.x firmware to a 2.x.x version. There currently is no path to update from 2.x.x to another 2.x.x! If you already are running a 2.x.x version but not the latest (2.2.0) then it’s advices to keep using your current firmware.
3. Static IP (if that was configured) is not migrated! Use VPStudio 3.0 to set one after updating your device.
4. Only VPFlowScope M (without display: D000, with display: D010 and with display and datalogger: D011) with firmware version 2.x.x can be configured using VPStudio 3.0.
5. The datalogger feature is not available in VPStudio 3.0.1. This feature will arrive in version 3.1.0.

VPStudio 3.0.1 fixes

– Detect the VPSensorCartridge while VPStudio is running, you can now connect the VPSensorCartridge at any time. It’s still advised to have it connected before starting VPStudio though.
– Check for VPFlowScope M as those are the only supported devices. You will be prompted with a message if another unsupported type is connected.
– Limit COM port scanning to those that could potentially be the VPFlowScope M to prevent blocking other devices that do have a COM port but have nothing to do with VPInstruments.
– Rediscover the device if you change the Modbus address.
– Speed up the detection of connected devices.
– Force the requirement of Windows 10 64 bit.
– Very strict checking of logfile existence. You will be informed if the logfile (or it’s folder) cannot be created.
– Many small UI improvements.

VPFlowScope M Firmware updater fixes

– No more CMD debug output window when opening the updater.
– Allow to scan for new devices after a update (or error). This allows you to update devices successively without the need to restart the updater.
– Force the requirement of Windows 10 64 bit.
– Check for device type: the update cannot start (and let you know why) if you would try to update an unsupported device.
– Strict checking of logfile existence. You will be informed if the logfile (or it’s folder) cannot be created.

** Revision 3.0.0 2020-11-05

The MVP (Minimum Viable Product) release is a mostly rebuild VPStudio compared to previous releases. This release contains two applications:

1. VPStudio 3.0, which is meant to configure VPFlowScope M devices that run a firmware version of 2.x.x.
2. VPFlowScope M Firmware updater, this application serves to update the firmware of your VPFlowScope M from version 1.5.x and older to 2.x.x. For the MVP release the updater is a stand-alone application.

VPStudio 3.0

Notes of importance:

1. Only Windows 10 64 bit is supported!
2. Only VPFlowScope M (without display: D000, with display: D010 and with display and datalogger: D011) with firmware version 2.x.x can be configured using VPStudio 3.0.
3. Before configuring your device with VPStudio 3.0, connect both Transmitter and Cartridge to your PC with a mini USB cable.
4. The datalogger option is not available yet for VPStudio 3.0

VPStudio 3.0 is a brand new release with a new look and feel. It provides an easy to use interface to configure your device. This initial release allows you to modify the following device settings:

– Tube diameter. This is saved in millimeters! If you fill in inches, it’s converted to millimeters and stored as the converted value on the device.
– Modbus communication settings
– Network settings
– Static IP
– Dynamic IP (DHCP)
– Totalizer count and reset option
– Reset to factory defaults

VPFlowScope M Firmware updater

Notes of importance:

1. Only Windows 10 64 bit is supported!
2. Can only update from firmware version 1.5.x and older to 2.x.x. This updater cannot be used to update from 2.x.x to another 2.x.x version.
3. Static IP (if that was configured) is not migrated! Use VPStudio 3.0 to set one after updating your device.
4. You can only update one device at a time. You need to restart the updater to update another device.

The updater migrates the following settings from your device to the new firmware:

– Serial number
– Kind of product (VPFlowScope M without display: D000, with display: D010 and with display and datalogger: D011)
– Minimum 4..20 mA calibration value
– Maximum 4..20 mA calibration value
– MAC address
– Production date

Any other settings not mentioned here are not being migrated in a firmware update!