VPVision Software Release Notes

## 7.10.x 2024-05-01

Performance improvements for widgets – 7.10.x
  • Widgets shown with a moving period, for example, the last hour with a period offset of 0, are now clamped to the previous 10-minute interval. This slightly reduces the update frequency to every 10 minutes, previously all widgets showing historic data for a moving period would be updated every minute. Other ranges, like the previous hour or day, haven’t been changed and still work as expected.
  • In addition, we’ve made some big changes internally improving performance overall.
CSV and Audit exports can now be canceled – 7.10.x

It’s now possible to cancel a running CSV or Audit export.

New global setting for the start of the week – 7.10.x

It’s now possible to set the preferred start of the week. This setting can be found under the global system settings and will be applied to all date/time pickers and calendars within VPVision.


Chart widgets now correctly display gaps – 7.10.x

For various reasons, it would be possible to have a gap in your recorded data. This is now correctly displayed for all chart-like widgets making it easier to identify a problem with a sensor or the machine related to the sensor.

Chart widgets are now less jumpy in live mode – 7.10.x

In some cases, the live mode for various chart-like widgets would be a bit jumpy. This has been corrected and now displays a smooth scrolling time series.

Chart widgets now use the correct time interval during exports – 7.10.x

The time interval between the ‘live’ mode and the page reports were slightly different. This was most noticeable with Bar-Graph Widgets. This has been corrected, making all chart-like widgets display the same time interval between the ‘live’ mode and in-page reports.

Data storage has been improved – 7.10.x

In some cases, some details related to recorded data points might have been stored twice. This has been corrected, reducing the overall storage usage for larger datasets.

The reboot button once again reboots the system – 7.10.x

Due to a regression, the reboot button didn’t actually reboot the system. This has been resolved.




## 7.9.x 2024-02-09


  • Performance improvements for page reports and CSV exports – 7.9.x
    The generation of page reports and CSV exports have been completely overhauled and are now handled as so-called ‘jobs’. This change limits the concurrent execution of ‘long-running’ tasks, like exporting data or generating a PDF, making better use of the system resources. By limiting these tasks we’ve experienced faster overall exports and more consistent results.
  • The CSV export now archives all new exports in a ‘.zip’ archive. This greatly reduces storage utilization and will also be applied to existing CSV exports during an upcoming system update.
  • CSV exports are now formatted in a more common format. Previously CSV files would use a semicolon (;) as a delimiter, this has been changed to a comma (,). Data fields are now wrapped in double-quotes (“”) to support the aforementioned change and will be using a period (.) as a decimal separator.


Improved Audit mode – 7.9.x
  • The Audit Mode, introduced in VPVision 7.3, has been overhauled and will now always be available without any additional configuration. Previously you were required to enable the Audit Mode before usage, this would disable parts of VPVision until the Audit Mode would be disabled.
  • In VPVision 7.9 the Audit Mode will always be available in the background without the need to enable it beforehand. By default, one week of raw seconds data will be recorded. This is a moving period, meaning every Monday at midnight the period will move to the next week starting a new recording. This period can be extended on the new Audit Mode page by setting the dedicated retention period.
Mark pages as reportable – 7.9.x
  • It’s now possible to mark pages as reportable. This is enabled by default. When a page is marked as not reportable the dedicated reporting page for this page will be removed.
New period selection for Export Widgets – 7.9.x
  • In addition to the ‘Last Day’, ‘Last Week’, ‘Last Month’ and ‘Last Year’ options it is now possible to choose the ‘Last Hour’ option. As the name indicates this will automatically set the period to the ‘Last Hour’ removing the need to specify a custom date.
Storage utilization is now visible on the dashboard page – 7.9.x
  • VPVision stores a variety of data. Besides the database usage for recorded data, VPVision also stores all generated reports, exported CSVs and user data like uploaded images for P&ID widgets.
  • A detailed overview of each component is now visible on the dashboard page.
Improved page ordering and support for nested pages – 7.9.x
  • The ‘Pages’ overview page has been overhauled and now offers an easy drag-and-drop approach for reordering pages. Besides faster re-ordering it is now also possible to nest pages, meaning you can drag a specific page underneath a parent page. This will slightly alter the main menu by collapsing ‘sub-pages’ by default.
Improved KPI widget sizes and unit labels – 7.9.x

KPI widgets have been redesigned and received a new size option. The size option is only available to KPI widgets using the ‘Gauge’ display and has a ‘Default’ and ‘Auto’ option. The ‘Default’ option will limit the size of the gauge to a fixed size (circa 320px) and the ‘Auto’ option will scale the gauge to the available space of its container.

Factory Resets – 7.9.x

It’s now possible to ‘Factory Reset’ a VPVision system. This will remove all recorded data, reset system configurations, and overall restore the VPVision to its factory state. This is useful for systems primarily used for Audit purposes to quickly reset them to a clean state.

Improved data removal and history data retention – 7.9.x

VPVision has the option to automatically remove recorded data based on a retention period. This option has been improved by offering more granular control over the retention period. Data removal has also been revisited and now more effectively removes recorded data. This is useful when setting up a system without removing any device or widget configurations.


Authenticated user sessions between VPVision systems – 7.9.x

VPVision uses cookies to keep track of authenticated sessions. When switching to a different VPVision system these could conflict logging you out of the previous system or even throw a session expired warning. To resolve this cookies are now suffixed with the system’s serial number. In addition, the authenticated session will now be remembered for a longer period of time, resulting in fewer session timeouts.

Dashboard widget stability improvements – 7.9.x

The dashboard widget now correctly handles devices without any enabled channels. In addition the Dashboard widget now better supports configurations with more than 4 added columns. This was partially limited to a maximum before and would render additional columns with a smaller width.

Consumption widget improvements – 7.9.x

The delta columns have been combined now showing the absolute and percentage-based delta’s in a single column making them clearer during reporting. For performance reasons and additional clarity, the YTD column has been removed. For totalizer-based values, this column would change much compared to the current and previous period columns making the data shown redundant.

P&ID range colors – 7.9.x

P&ID elements could be colored based on predefined ranges. This broke during a regression in a previous release.

Widget actions are now correctly removed – 7.9.x

The optional widget actions, managed through the page editor, had an issue where once an action was added it couldn’t be removed. This has been resolved and now correctly removes unwanted widget actions.

Various stability improvements – 7.9.x

Some parts of VPVision store mostly static data in a database. To reduce database interaction this data is stored in a cache. Previously this cache would expire in a few minutes. The caching has been improved to only expire when the data is actually altered. This includes system settings, page menu items, and personal preferences.



## 7.8.x 2023-08-14

#7.6 and #7.7 is herewith released together with 7.8.x


Data averaging has been changed – 7.8.x

By default VPVision will poll all connected sensors every second and store their data as ‘seconds data’ also called ‘real-time data’ on some pages. For performance reasons and decreased storage utilization VPVision averages this data every minute.

Peviously a weighted average approach would be used, this has been replaced with a more traditional averaging approach.

Until now the sum of all recorded data entries would be divided by a fixed value of 60. In the new approach the sum op these entries will be divided by the number of entries, for 60 entries the divider would be 60, for 30 entries the divider would be 30, etc.

Improved storage utilization monitoring – 7.8.x

A full disk can lead to an unresponsive or even locked system. To prevent this VPVision now activily monitors the disk utilization and checks for a fixed storage utilization threshold of 70%. Once this threshold has been reached data recording will be disabled and manual intervention is required.

Current storage utilization can be seen on the ‘Dashboard’ page.

Improved Live mode and tick interval for chart widgets – 7.8.x

Chart widgets using the Live reporting mode will now display real-time data with more accuracy. Additionally the various reporting periods have been revisited and the tick interval for each period has been refined, this makes the chart easier to read and prevents unwanted changes on the x-axis.

Notification support has been added to scheduled page reports – 7.8.x

The new page reports introduced in VPVision 7.7 can now be configured to sent an email notification when a new scheduled report is ready.

Page reports now support multiple columns – 7.8.x

Widgets on a page can be configured to span one or multiple columns. Previously page reports would force widgets to span the full width of the report. This has been changed and will now use the same colspan as the page itself.

KPI widgets have been redesigned – 7.8.x

KPI widgets can be configured to display a gauge or efficiency bar. The gauge display for these widgets have been redesigned to make better use of the available space. This is also reflected on page reports where the readability for gauge based KPI widgets has been improved.

Dashboard widgets have been redesigned – 7.8.x

Dashboard widgets using column calculations now use an icon to represent the calculation type. The used measurand/unit per data-point has been moved to the column heading making it possible to show longer data values without wrapping.

New reporting module – 7.7.x

We’ve added a new reporting feature that can be used to create a report based on a preconfigured page.

The new reporting module can be accessed by clicking te “Reports“ button at the top of a configured page, this brings you to the new reporting overview where you can generate a new report or configure the page to use scheduled reporting. Additionally you can open a preview of the resulting report by clicking the “Report Preview“ button.

The new reporting module has support for all available Widget Types, the P&ID will follow soon, and removes the need for configuring an additional report besides the already existing pages.

Eventually this new reporting module will replace the existing reports feature.

Selectable reporting period for widgets – 7.7.x

All widgets, except for the Dashboard Widget, now have the option to change their default reporting period whilst configuring the widget. Once a widget is placed on a page the configured reporting period can be changed using the period selection at the bottom of the widget.

This can be used to create widgets reporting the last week, last day or simply for creating a comparison between two similar widgets.

Reworked reports page – 7.7.x

The reports page, used to list all generated reports, has been reworked and now include both the ‘Legacy reports’ and the new ‘Page reports’. The listing of reports has also been reworked and is now shown in a table instead of a list making it easier to filter, sort and generally manage generated reports.

Summary option for Pie Chart Widgets – 7.6.x

Existing and new Pie Chart widgets can now be configured with the ‘Show Summary’ option. This option adds an overview of all displayed data next to the pie chart. The summary can be used together with ‘Data Labels’ and the ‘Legend’.

New Widget: Summary – 7.6.x

Similar to the report module with the same name, the summary widget creates an overview of the lowest, highest and average recorded data point for all configured devices within a specified period. The active period can be changed using the range selector or when configuring the widget.

New Widget: Consumption – 7.6.x

Similar to the report module with the same name, the consumption widget creates an overview of the current and previous periods usage and calculates an absolute and percentage based delta for all configured devices within a specified period. The active period can be changed using the range selector or when configuring the widget.

New Widget: Energy Summary – 7.6.x

Similar to the report module with the same name, the energy summary widget creates a comparison usage overview for all configured flow and power devices within a specified period. The active period can be changed using the range selector or when configuring the widget.

New Widget: Compressor Summary – 7.6.x

Similar to the report module with the same name, the compressor summary widget presents an analysis on a compressor showing total usage, costs and behaviour for a configured power device within a specified period. The active period can be changed using the range selector or when configuring the widget.

Added support for ‘hidden’ pages – 7.6.x

Published pages can now be hidden from the menu by toggling the ‘Show in menu’ option whilst configuring a page. Please note that this doesn’t make the page inaccessible for unauthenticated users however.

To access the page you can use the ‘Show Page’ action from the ‘Pages’ overview.

Improvements to the Dashboard page – 7.6.x

Widgets and Alarms have been added to the dashboard page and in the details pane the system’s serial number is now shown.

Export Widget improvements – 7.6.x

The export widget will now create an archive while generating a CSV file. This reduced disk usage on the VPVision system and will reduce the required time when downloading the CSV file.

Addition of various SI measurands and units – 7.6.x

Various SI measurands and units have been added which can be used in new or existing widgets and formulas.

These include:

  • Frequency (Hz): Ideal for vibration sensor frequency and rotational speed tracking.
  • Length (m): Facilitating distance, position, and level measurements for enhanced object detection and tank level monitoring.
  • Mass (kg): Enabling weight measurements and force sensing for packaging, industrial handling systems, or to have output flow in kg/hr.
  • Time (s): Seamless time-tracking and time-based control capabilities for instance for tracking speed of buffering.
  • Velocity (m/s): Applicable for measuring speed for conveyor belts and flow meters.
  • Volume (m^3): Facilitating liquid level measurements.
  • Acceleration (m/s^2): Aiding in monitoring wear and damage of rotating components in machinery, pumps, and turbines.


Data loading performance improvements – 7.8.x

A regression has been resolved where widgets would load their data twice on every request. On pages with multiple widgets this change has reduced the page loading time with multiple seconds.

Overal increased contrast within the VPVision UI – 7.8.x

Various gray tones have been altered for increased readability. This is most noticeable in tables where the odd rows have a gray background color.

Dashboard widget data labels are now omitted within reports – 7.8.x

Dashboard widgets can be configured to display data labels. Data labels show the device and channel name when hovering over them with the mouse cursor. Since this isn’t possible within a PDF report the data labels will now be omitted during report generation.

Alarm notification now correctly support multiple email addresses – 7.8.x

There was an issue with alarm notifications where entering multiple email addresses would throw an error. This has been fixed and the notification form has been slightly updated.

Corrected sorting of legacy reports – 7.8.x

Legacy reports, now listed separately on the ‘Reports’ page since VPVision 7.7, would be listed in a random order. This has been fixed and are now correctly sorted by their creation date.

Deferred loading for all widgets – 7.7.x

All widgets will now utilize a concept called “deferred loading“. When you open a page with multiple widgets all widgets will now show a widget specific loading state before any data will be shown. This greatly improves the initial loading time of the page and improves the responsiveness of the system.

Improved data handling – 7.7.x

We’ve revisited our internal data handling and made some major improvements to the system load times and data averaging.

Fixed available device filtering on widgets using a common unit – 7.7.x

Widgets using a common unit filter the available device based on the channel configurations of the device. For some device types this wasn’t correctly mapped and applicable devices would be excluded.


Page windows have been removed – 7.7.x

The option to add multiple windows to a page has been removed. Existing page windows containing widgets have been split into dedicated pages as “{Page Name} – {Window Name}“.

The KPI Types configuration page has been removed – 7.7.x

All available KPIs are now enabled by default making the KPI types page redundant. The KPI Types page was used to enable or disabled the KPI types available when configuring a new KPI widget.

## 7.5.x 2022-09-06


New Dashboard page – 7.5.0

A new dashboard page has been added giving you quick and easy insights into the performance and health of your VPVision system. This page now includes all information previously listed on the System Status page and therefore the System Status page has been removed.

New Device Overview page – 7.5.0

Previously devices would be paginated and included in the same table. This didn’t make sense since not all devices use the same connection type, resulting in visual noise.

This has been changed by listing all devices on the same page and grouping them by their connection type. As a result it’s now possible to more specifically filter and sort devices based on their specific configuration.

New Widget: Alarm Occurrences – 7.5.0

Similar to the report module with the same name, the alarm occurrences widget creates an overview of the total occurrences for all active alarms within a specified period. The active period can be changed using the range selector or when configuring the widget.

New Widget: KPI Summary – 7.5.0

Similar to the report module with the same name, the KPI Summary widget creates an overview of various KPI widgets added to the summary. The resulting summary will contain the current period’s usage, the previous period’s usage, the delta absolute difference, the delta percentage difference and a simplified status indicator (red to green) The active period can be changed using the range selector or when configuring the widget.
Added support for changing the connection type of existing devices – 7.5.0

Previously once a device has been added the selected connection type would be locked. This would require you to replace the device configuration with a new device when you want to change the connection type. This would result in data loss since the new device configuration isn’t linked to the old configuration.

This limitation has been removed and you can now change the connection type without any data loss. So feel free to move sensors around to other areas of interest or upgrade them to new types!

Improved Virtual Channel integration in Report Modules – 7.5.0

Some report modules expect a specific resulting unit when adding device channels to a report module. Virtual Channels were previously excluded from these report modules. This has been improved by checking the endpoint element of the virtual inputs formula.


Improved KPI Calculations – 7.5.0

The KPI Calculation have been improved and are now more performant. Additionally these changes add support for additional calculation periods which will be included in a future release.

Improved Device handling – 7.5.0

The way we store device configurations has been improved and will result in faster loading times when accessing the Devices Overview or Device Detail pages.

Improved scaling on smaller devices – 7.5.0

On smaller devices, like mobile phones or tablets, the UI now scales better to create a clearer overview of what’s going on. This most noticeable with the range selector on various widgets.

Improved real-time data handling – 7.5.0

In some rare occurrences the dashboard widget could throw an error when fetching the latest real-time data points. This has been improved and should be more reliable and faster.

Fixed charts not loading – 7.5.0

In some rare occurrences it would be possible when various chart types would be added to the same page that one or multiple charts wouldn’t load correctly. This has been resolved and now should always correctly load all charts on the page.

Totalizer data handling in CSV exports – 7.5.0

Previously totalizers would be averaged when an interval greater than 1 minute would be used in a CSV export. This behaviour has been corrected and totalizers are now exported using their data value from the end of the interval period.


Removed BitMask configuration – 7.5.0

On some device types it was possible to configure a bit-mask. This configuration has been removed.

## 7.4.x 2022-06-13


Improved data handling – 7.4.0

When changing the measurand of a device’s channel its previously recorded data will be removed. In most cases when the measurand changes the physical device attached to that channel has been swapped out with a different kind of sensor. This mostly applies to Modbus converters where the channel represents a dedicated device.

Additionally, data is now filtered in some circumstances to ensure VPVision will display the correct result.

Filtering is done in one of 2 ways:

  • For historic data the recorded data is explicitly filtered using the expected unit. This is the unit currently configured on the device’s channel.
  • For real-time data the recorded data is filtered based on the measurand currently configured on the device’s channel.

In both cases it’s possible that a widget will apply a desired unit, this will result in data conversion. For example, you could have a Line Chart widget plotting 2 VPFlowScope Flow channels, both measure their data using the m3n/hour unit by default. Within the Line Chart widget configuration, you can then specify to display the recorded data in SCFM instead, this difference is calculated on the fly.

For Modbus converters you’re able to configure the recorded unit per channel. This relates to the configuration on the sensor device itself. If you, for example, would change the sensor’s configuration from m3n/hour to SCFM and apply the same changes to the Modbus converter configuration within VPVision the previously recorded data is kept. However, once you plot this data into a line chart the expected unit would be SCFM and therefore previously recorded data in m3n/hour would be omitted when querying historic data. A warning will be shown when this happens.

Improved Bar Graph and Area Chart Widgets – 7.4.0

The Bar Graph Input and Interval widgets have been replaced. Both are now more performant and more accurately show their recorded timestamps. The same applies to the Area Chart which has been replaced with a more performant variant.

New sensor elements for the P&ID widget – 7.3.0

P&ID widgets can now be configured with additional sensor elements. These elements give an alternative appearance for sensor elements added to the widget.





## 7.3.x 2022-05-13


Audit Mode – 7.3.0

The new audit mode can be used to temporarily reconfigure your VPVision system for auditing purposes.

When in Audit Mode all recorded data, recorded every second, will be kept. Your configured pages will be replaced, until you disable Audit Mode, with a dedicated “Audit: Recorded Data” and “Audit: Export” page.

On the “Audit: Recorded Data“ page you will have a collection of dashboard widgets showing the real-time data for all enabled devices. On the “Audit: Export“ page you will find a dedicated export widget used to export all ‘seconds’ data from the system to a CSV.

The Map Widget has been combined with the P&ID Widget – 7.3.0

Map elements can now be applied to existing and new P&ID Widgets. The dedicated Map Widget has been removed; all existing Map Widgets will automatically be converted to P&ID Widgets.

With Map elements you can draw zones on your P&ID Widget, these zones can be configured to link to a specific page on your VPVision system.

Grid snapping within the P&ID editor – 7.3.0

P&ID and Map elements can now be aligned and/or snapped to a predefined grid. This behavior can be disabled within the P&ID editor.

Added plotlines to the Line Chart Widget – 7.3.0

You can now configure plotlines for your line charts. Plotlines will be shown as a red line at a set Y value for a specific axis. It’s possible to add multiple plotlines for the same axis, this can be used to define upper and lower bound indicators.

Improved Pie Chart Widget – 7.3.0

The Pie Chart Widget has been replaced. It’s now possible to show historic data comparable to the Line Graph Widget, hide or show data labels, hide or show their legend, and additionally the Pie Chart is now more performant with larger datasets.

Improved column headings within the Dashboard Widget – 7.3.0

The dashboard widget now uses the channel name as the column heading. Before the measurand name was used.

Additionally, data labels can be enabled which add a tooltip to the data cell showing the device and channel name. This is useful when the row label has been customized.

Added the DewPoint and VPLog-i-R device types – 7.3.0

The Dewpoint and VPLog-i-R device types are now available out of the box. No further action is required to add a device using one of these device types.
Improved Alarm management – 7.3.0

The alarm management pages have been greatly overhauled.

The alarm overview now lists more information and has more sorting options. The alarm details page contains a clearer overview of the configured alarm. And it’s now possible to configure multiple email notifications per alarm.

Previously alarm notifications were limited to 1 notification per alarm. With the new setup you can send multiple notifications, with different contents, to various email addresses.

Improved Alarm Widget – 7.3.0

The alarm widget has been reworked and is now more performant. Additionally, each alarm event now shows a button for opening the alarm details page.


Overall performance and usability improvements – 7.3.0

Various pages, forms and actions have been revisited and improved. Overal the performance of VPVision has been improved.

Additionally, we’ve fixed some smaller bugs internally making the platform more stable overall.

Improved device details page – 7.3.0

The channel name is now listed for all device types in the channel overview of a device.

Correctly render different Map element colors – 7.3.0

In some cases the Map elements used within a Map or P&ID widget wouldn’t be correctly rendered. This has been resolved and the available colors have been revisited.

Fixed shown data within Dashboard Widget – 7.3.0

In some cases, it was possible that the data from the same input was shown in multiple columns. This is now correctly filtered.

Fixed toggles on Bar Graph Widget forms – 7.3.0

Some toggles didn’t correctly toggle when clicking them. These have been revisited and now toggle where they once didn’t toggle.

Fixed P&ID editor – 7.3.0

In some cases, the P&ID editor didn’t correctly show its elements when an element was removed previously. This is now fixed and all elements are now correctly shown.


Variation Chart Widgets have been removed – 7.3.0

The Variation Chart Widget type has been completely removed. In previous versions existing Variation Chart Widgets would still be shown, they are now removed.

## 7.2.x 2022-03-15


Improved period switching in line chart widgets – 7.2.0

The new line chart widget now adds a period selector when viewing historic data, for example the hour, day or month range.

By default, when the line chart is set to the hour range the last 60 minutes are shown ending at the current time. Once the period selector is used the period will start from the beginning until the end of the previous period. The same applies to the day range showing the last 24 hours ending at the current time, the week range showing the last 7 days and the month range showing the last 30 days.

New P&ID editor – 7.2.0

We’ve added a new P&ID editor replacing the existing P&ID editor and in the near future the Map editor. The new editor contains various improvements for image uploads, images are now automatically scaled to perfectly fit the P&ID widget and lossless compression is applied to reduce page loading times. Additionally configuring P&ID element ranges has been simplified and include additional colors.

Improved page editor – 7.2.0

The page editor has been revisited and has been improved usability and performance wise. Most notably the page icon selector is now consolidated in a dropdown including the title of the page icon.

Improved overall navigation – 7.2.0

The primary navigation and backend navigation have been reworked. When managing your VPVision system the backend menu will now be displayed in the primary sidebar instead of next to it. Previously the backend menu would have been hidden on certain pages, this is no longer the case and will always be accessible when managing your system. This is most notable on mobile devices where it is now actually possible to access this menu.

The user menu has been decoupled from the site menu and received its own dedicated location in the top bar.

The recently added reboot and power-off system actions remain in the site menu.

Additional overview actions for certain Input devices and KPI widgets – 7.2.0

The table overview for Input devices and the table overview for KPI widgets with a custom formula, i.e. a virtual input or a custom formula KPI, will now contain an “Update Formula“ action next to their “Edit“ action in their quick actions menu.

Allowed conversion for Dewpoint and Temperature measurands – 7.2.0

Within VPVision certain measurands, for example Flow and Totalizers, are allowed to be converted to their respective unit definition. This makes it possible to use both Totalizer based measurements and Flow based measurements within the same widget or calculation.

In this release we’ve added an additional conversion mapping between the Dewpoint measurand and the Temperature measurand. This makes it possible to compare Temperature based measurements and Dewpoint based measurements in the same calculation. Previously this would have resulted in an invalid measurement warning. This was most noticeable on devices and widgets where you can manually change the recorded unit and/or measurand.


Overall performance and usability improvements – 7.2.0

Various pages, forms and actions have been revisited and improved. Overall the performance of VPVision has been improved.

Additionally we’ve fixed some smaller bugs internally making the platform more stable overall.

Line chart performance improvements – 7.2.0

We’ve reworked how line charts widgets load various data ranges. When switching between the hour, day, week or month range we now load a 30, 15, 5 or 1 minute average over the selected period depending on the range.

Improved readability for the Dashboard widget – 7.2.0

Data shown within the Dashboard widget will now be rendered using a monospace font. This makes it easier to read and compare data.



## 5.3x / 6.0x / 7.0x – 2021-10-01



Simplified licensing model – 7.x

Previously various device types and their channels were individually capped. This has been simplified by combining all channels into one counter. To make this clearer whilst configuring a device various indicators have been added showing your current usage.

User onboarding

For new and existing systems, where applicable, an improved graphical user onboarding flow has been added. The user onboarding will guide you through the initial setup of your VPVision system. When your system is already setup the user onboarding will be skipped.

System maintenance page

A new system maintenance page has been added. On this page, you can configure data retention which will keep a set amount of data. Data retention is disabled by default.

You can choose to remove all recorded data, this feature is mostly focused on new systems that should start with a clean slate after the initial setup.

And lastly, if included in your license, the maintenance page houses the SQL connection settings. With the SQL connection module, you can create custom SQL users for extracting recorded data using SQL.

New period selection modal for export widgets and reports

Since a few releases, it’s possible to set a preferred time zone. This time zone setting not only applies to the data being displayed within VPVision but will now also be taken into account when manually exporting CSVs or generating reports.

When exporting CSVs you will have the option to use UTC-based dates in the generated CSV. Previously UTC would be used by default, this will now be the configured time zone.

Export widgets will now use ; as the preferred CSV delimiter

CSVs use a delimiter to indicate where one value starts and the next ends. This used to be a comma and will now be a semicolon instead. This is done to prevent corrupted CSVs when handling doubles.

All new widgets and new configuration forms

All widgets have been overhauled. Keeping their existing functionality, but making it easier and faster to configure them. In addition, most widgets will have a slightly altered appearance better matching the overall UI and improving their readability.

Improved page builder

Together with the new widget forms the page builder now shows a more accurate representation of an added widget. Additionally, it’s now possible to control the size (width) of a widget.

Widget actions

Using the improved page builder it’s now possible to add actions to a widget instance on a page. This can be used to add relative or absolute links to a widget. For example, you could add a link to a different page with more detailed widgets for a certain KPI.

New device and alarm detail pages

The detail pages for devices and alarms have been overhauled. They now show more detailed information and better explain what everything does.

Realtime-recorded data on device detail pages

The currently real-time-recorded data will now be shown on the device’s detail page. This can be used when setting up a device without the need to configure a widget first.

New widget detail pages – 7.x

In addition to the new device and alarm detail pages, the widget detail pages have been added. These show a preview of a configured widget in addition to the widget usage on pages.

Overhauled formula editor for virtual inputs – 7.x

The formula editor for virtual inputs has been greatly overhauled and will now better integrate with the rest of VPVision. It is now easier than ever to select the correct device for your formula and a new sigma operator has been added.

New custom formula KPI calculations – 7.x

The existing KPI’s are predefined calculations packaged as a template. By adding various devices a KPI will automatically calculate the result based on this template.

Sometimes you need more control over the calculation, therefore we’ve added custom formula calculation types that function similar to virtual inputs. Simply select the custom formula calculation when configuring a KPI and define your formula in the new formula editor.

Changeable KPI periods – 7.x

The predefined KPI calculations all use a predetermined period over which the calculation will collect data. Once a KPI widget has been added to a page it is now possible to toggle this period between the last hour to date or the current day to date. To make this more clear the exact period will now be displayed within the KPI widget.

For custom formula KPI’s you can set the default period whilst configuring the KPI.

Shortcuts for authenticated users

When you sign-in to VPVision you will now see various shortcuts when showing pages. For example you can go directly to the page builder using the “Edit page“ button or update a widget by clicking its configuration button.

Improved redirection when editing existing entities – 7.x

When you update a page, widget or device you will now be redirected back to where you came from. This is most noticeable for pages when you update them directly from a page instead of the page overview in the backend.

Number rounding options for most widgets

It’s now possible to define the number rounding for certain widgets. This will affect the amount of decimal places shown.

New sigma operator for virtual inputs

The sigma operator can be used in virtual inputs to combine 2 or more building blocks into one addition. This can be a great replacement for multiple addition operators when you’re adding multiple sensors and expect only one output.

New span calculation helper

When configuring an analog input channel a new span calculation utility will show up when configuring power-based channels.

Improved overviews

All overview pages in the backend, for example the pages overview, will now show an improved and more responsive data table. This makes it easier and faster to sort and filter through pages, users, etc.

More page icons

The selection of available icons has been extended. These can be selected in the page builder.

Added a page footer to all dashboard pages – 7.x

VPVision now has a footer on all dashboard pages. This adds some extra scrollable area for longer pages to prevent widgets being completely on the bottom of the screen. Additionally the footer will now show you the currently active version of VPVision.


Correct number formatting for all widgets – 7.x

Within VPVision it is possible to choose a different thousands### or decimal### separator. This didn’t completely work as intended with some configurations and has now been fixed.

Overall improved performance, various bugs and fixes

All widgets have been overhauled resulting in better performance. Overall various bugs have been fixed and small improvements have been made to VPVision.

Improved progress indicator for export widgets and reports

When running a large export or generating an extensive report it would be possible this process would take longer than the user session would allow for resulting in obscure error messages. This has been resolved and in addition, a more accurate progress indicator has been added.

Improved responsive behavior for all widgets on mobile

Almost all widgets have been overhauled and now better support mobile devices.

Improved network manager settings

We’ve expanded the exiting network setting with new features, like adding multiple static IP addresses to one interface and added additional checks to make sure you can’t store any breaking settings.

Improved license handling

When your VPVision license expired or got corrupted during an update, VPVision will now gracefully inform you about this. In addition, it is now possible to manually re-upload your VPVision license file without any intervention from our support.

Improved alarm snooze

Snoozes for alarms have been simplified and now work similar to an alarm clock. Additionally, an alarm will now only send one notification instead of one every minute.

Special character support in widget and page names

Special characters weren’t supported before. This limitation has been removed.


Variation charts have been deprecated

The variation chart widget type has been removed and no new variation chart widgets can be created. Existing variation chart widgets will keep working.

***Release notes  older version**

## 5.2 – 2020-05-11 – 2020-07-13

VPVision 5.2 is a complete rewrite of the application.

Some notable features are:
– A completely redesigned UI.
– Improved stability and performance.
– Improved user authorisation.
– Reworked email settings, this removes the need for postfix and directly sends all application emails through the configured SMTP server.
– Reworked license management.
– Reworked page-builder.

### Added

– Added the option to enable system wide authentication.
– Improved license verification during uploads, the user now needs to confirm the license before it would be applied.
– If applicable a list of pages will be shown on the widget removal page.
– Input removal will now cascade through all data and related services.
– Widget removal will now cascade through all applicable pages.
– Added system status page with enhanced application service management.
– Scheduled reports will now be sent using the new email service.

### Fixed

– Replaced all instances of ‘valuta’ with ‘currency’.

### Removed

– Advanced alarms have been dropped. Preferably a virtual input would be used instead.

Revision 3.4.2 28-06-2018

0. — General —

– None

1. — Resolved issues —

– Scrolling not working in alarm widget.

2. — New features —

– Alarm logs and statistics added to repots.
– Continious alarms are registered as one instead of a repeating condition

3. — Discontinued features —

– none

Revision 3.4.1 16-05-2018

0. — General —

– None

1. — Resolved issues —

– Totalizer and kwh miscalculation error in consumption report module
– Reports for “custom” periods not generating
– Reports can be saved without content
– Delta calculation in the consumption widgets is not working in percentage mode
– Image type filter for custom report logo’s is not respected allowed image types

2. — New features —

– KPI module for reports
– kwh support in the compressor analysis module
– kwh support in the consumption module

3. — Discontinued features —

– none

Revision 3.4.0 01-04-2018

0. — General —

– Report configuration has been re-designed
– New lay-out for reports
– System background grid replaced by solid grey

1. — Resolved issues —

– Text overlapping in reports
– Deleting the wrong device while removing from the pie chart widget
– Time selection for reports from 00:00->00:00 to 00:00->23:59
– System creates new report whenever a new pie chart is configured and added

2. — New features —

– Consumption report module that shows consumption within period, consumption from previous period and delta
– Costs per compressor stage added to the compressor analysis module
– A location can be specified for a report and it will be printed in the header
– User can select a custom image as report logo
– User can specify the paper size of reports. Supported are A4 and US letter
– A default value for kWh costs can be set as a global and will be used on all new modules and widgets
– Compressor type selection in the compressor analysis module
– Compressor stage definition has become a range instead of a lower boundary
– Variable height report content instead of fixed height per report module

3. — Discontinued features —

– Bar graph visualisation in the compressor analysis module

Revision 3.3.3 23-02-2018

0. — General —

– None

1. — Resolved issues —

– PID widget data not showing when spaces or special characters are used in the custom label
– Compressor stage configuration gets lost when special characters are used in the name
– Analog or digital inputs can not be activated when either one of the types is at its maximum
– Data loading for graphs and device connection status is slow
– Chosen unit for energy consumption not preselected in energy usage and costs report module

2. — New features —

– Bitmask for integer data
– Specific power in the energy usage and costs report module

3. — Discontinued features —

– none

Revision 3.3.0 06-07-2017

0. — General —

– New check for custom names (dashboard widget)
– Select measurand in alphabetic order

1. — Resolved issues —

– None

2. — New features —

– Show/hide backgroundcolor of P&ID elements
– Show/hide unit of P&ID elements
– Show/hide value of P&ID elements
– Digital inputs support
– Allow adding multiple channels to the dashboard widget at once

3. — Discontinued features —

– none

Revision 3.2.1 27-10-2016

0. — General —

– Browser title name changed

1. — Resolved issues —

– Report generation
– Some small bugs in reports

2. — New features —

– none

3. — Discontinued features —

– none

Revision 3.2.1 27-10-2016

0. — General —

– VPVision made responsive

1. — Resolved issues —

– Alarm interval at 1 hour
– Gateway shows at wrong ethernet interface
– Slow initial load of graphs
– Lowered the graph data navigator to prevent overlap

2. — New features —

– dns configuration for each ethernet interface
– Serial number and version number can now be found in the settings->system menu
– Relay host for e-mail purpose can be set in settings->e-mail
– ntp server can be set in settings->time
– current date and time can be checked in settings->time

3. — Discontinued features —

– graph export in pdf and svg format

Revision 3.1.15 01-07-2016

0. — General —

– none

1. — Resolved issues —

– Repeatitly generating reports at the first day of the month

2. — New features —

– none

3. — Discontinued features —

– none

Revision 3.1.14 14-06-2016

0. — General —

– Support for VPFlowScope M added

1. — Resolved issues —

– Error resolved for combining map widgets with other widgets on the same page

2. — New features —

– none

3. — Discontinued features —

– none

Revision 3.1.13 12-02-2016

0. — General —

– none

1. — Resolved issues —

– Map widget link error for pages without area’s

2. — New features —

– New units available for voltage and current

3. — Discontinued features —

– none

***Release notes***
Revision 3.1.12 17-09-2015

0. — General —

– none

1. — Resolved issues —

– Alarm removal fix for widget
– alarm widget scroll button fixed
– alarm module license fix

2. — New features —

– none

3. — Discontinued features —

– none

***Release notes***
Revision 3.1.12 17-09-2015

0. — General —

– none

1. — Resolved issues —

– Color orange in P&ID fixed
– alarm enablingfixed
– e-mail enablingfixed

2. — New features —

– Measurand efficiency added with kw/m3n/min and wh/m3n

3. — Discontinued features —

– none

***Release notes***
Revision 3.1.11 21-07-2015

0. — General —

– none

1. — Resolved issues —

– device removal in combination with sql module

2. — New features —

– none

3. — Discontinued features —

– none

***Release notes***
Revision 3.1.10 08-06-2015

0. — General —

– W3c test performed and inconsistencies removed
– Spelling errors removed

1. — Resolved issues —

– CSV data export time out resolved
– Alarm conversion from basic to advanced
– US date format conversion
– Diacritical letter support added

2. — New features —

– Additional colors for map and p&id widget added
– y-axis auto scale feature added for line graph
– Error message for csv export measurand mismatch
– CSV generation status added
– Automatic status update for devices
– Graph button feedback added
– Imperial KPI’s added

3. — Discontinued features —

– none

***Release notes***
Revision 3.1.9 18-05-2015

0. — General —

– Corrections in unit conversions

1. — Resolved issues —

– Screen rendering issue for IE9 & IE10 resolved

2. — New features —

– none

3. — Discontinued features —

– none

***Release notes***
Revision 3.1.8 05-03-2015

0. — General —

– Misspellings removed

1. — Resolved issues —

– Wrong auto correction for P&ID range configuration resolved

2. — New features —

– Map widget can now create links to pages in combination with a window
– Map widget link area can now be filled with a color or transparent with a dashed colored border

3. — Discontinued features —

– none

***Release notes***
Revision 3.1.7 22-12-2014

0. — General —

– Some report modules changes:
– Pie chart can now be used with one input
– Energy usage and costs can be used with flow input only. Costs will not be shown.
– Misspellings removed from alarm module

1. — Resolved issues —

– Update script adjusted for virtual inputs.
– Active page indication by highlighting selected menu icon

2. — New features —

– none

3. — Discontinued features —

– none

***Release notes***
Revision 3.1.6 06-11-2014

0. — General —

– none

1. — Resolved issues —

– label position in variation chart
– wh/m3n calculation fix

2. — New features —

– sql module added

3. — Discontinued features —

– none

***Release notes***
Revision 3.1.5 11-08-2014

0. — General —

– Virtual inputs added. Calculations can be made
– All graphs now automatically calculate the number of datapoints to show in the chart
– Some style modifications
– license module introduced
– Availability check for javascript added

1. — Resolved issues —

– Time zone compensation added for report generation time
– Date/time picker popup for custom plot repaired
– Pressure visualization in various graphs
– Critical line bug resolved
– The line dragged from the variable node in the alarm module is now visible
– Some small bugs in graph configuration resolved
– Network gateway is not mandatory anymore.

2. — New features —

– Delete all created pdf reports at once
– Measurands are sorted in widgets select list
– p&id measurement range indicators added (value is red, orange, green)
– kW calculation for 4..20mA current clamps added
– Show the measurement values in pie chart instead of percentage. Show percentage on hover

3. — Discontinued features —

– none

***Release notes***
Revision 3.1.4 15-05-2014

0. — General —

– none

1. — Resolved issues —

– Scroll offset for widget overview revized
– Multiple csv export widgets can now be used on 1 page
– Memmory leak in number of pages resolved

2. — New features —

– none

3. — Discontinued features —

– none

***Release notes***
Revision 3.1.3 30-04-2014

0. — General —

– Menu scroll speed increased
– Report scroll speed increased
– Units formated with subscript and degrees symbol
– Number of plotted point in a graph increased from 20 to 60

1. — Resolved issues —

– Decimal and thousand separator implemented in csv export widget
– Inconsistency in kWh price for the report fixed
– Additonal axes for line graph restored
– Pressure series is shown in line graph again
– Report generation process bar fixed
– Select box made browser independend

2. — New features —

– Number of compressor starts is now calculated with user settings if user settings are defined. If not defined, then offset is 0.5kW

3. — Discontinued features —

– none

Revision 3.1.2 17-04-2014

0. — General —

– Timezonecorrection UTC added to several modules

1. — Resolved issues —

– Alarm name is now completely shown in the widget
– All page windows are checked for availability of a widget that is about to be deleted
– Calculation of average and sum in the dashboard widget reviewed
– Report module pie chart changed: avg for flow, pressure, temperature, dew point, kw, take sum for energy, tolalizer
– Initialisation of line graph widget changed
– The datalabels option in the pie chart is now initialized

2. — New features —

– Line graph now has dynamic data loading
– bar graph added
– area chart added
– variation chart added

3. — Discontinued features —

– none

Revision 3.1.1 19-03-2014

0. — General —

– All code reviewed
– Client side errors and warnings removed
– Server side errors and warnings removed

1. — Resolved issues —

– All widgets on a page will now align even if they are longer then the menu
– Compressors stage hours are calculated again in the report

2. — New features —

– Alarm module added
– Multi window page support
– New jquery and jcarousel release
– New currencies added

3. — Discontinued features —

– Virtual key board support